Strength Training

Contrary to the fears I expressed in my last post, I haven’t yet had to resort to bribery to get the girls to behave during monitoring (although I was honestly kind of looking forward to it. At this point, my idea of bribery consists of feeding the girls all the things they like, such as extra portions of ice cream and salty french fries, so I’m just as much a beneficiary as they are!). The girls cooperated with their monitoring yesterday evening and this morning, so we’ll see if their recent compliance indicates a positive trend.

I’ve been noticing that it is increasingly difficult to propel my body out of bed for my bathroom trips. I’m unsure whether to attribute this difficulty to a changing center of gravity as my waistline expands, or to my rapidly atrophying musculature! It unnerves me a bit to think of losing muscle mass, right when I will need it the most. When I was visiting my sister-in-law after she had her twins last year, I was surprised how heavy little babies can be in their car seats – I could barely lug the two of them to the car, and I was in fairly good physical condition at the time! I guess it’s fortunate that babies start out small, so my biceps will have a chance to bulk up before the kids do. 🙂

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