Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

I have seen the future, and it is exhausting!  I thought it was hard to take a picture of my girls now that they’re crawling – tonight, I got a glimpse of how difficult it is to take a picture of two big girls who just don’t stop!  My friend Alyson came over this evening with her husband Roger and daughters Maddison (3) and Jordyn (2).  I had planned to get a group shot of all the girls together, but my attempts resembled cat-herding, and were ultimately futile.  But even though the girls didn’t all stay in one place, they certainly enjoyed being together.  It was fun to watch Rebecca and Susanna gape at the activity around them.  I don’t know exactly what my girls found so fascinating – perhaps the big girls’ mobility, their vocabulary, or maybe just their plentiful, flowing hair! 


Maddison and Jordyn loved playing with my girls’ toys – I’m hoping that means that I’ll get a few good years’ worth of playtime out of our current stash of toys.  If we add many more items, we’re going to run out of room for anything else, like furniture!


Here Maddison is displaying her button-pushing prowess.  My girls were impressed.


Don’t you just love it when kids entertain each other, and the grown-ups can just sit back and talk?  (Or take pictures, as the case may be!). 

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