
Danny, pointing to my breakfast: “What’s that?”

Me: “An English muffin.”

Danny: “That’s not a muffin.  That’s bread.”


Susie: “What did the banana say to the grape?

Grandpa: “What?”

Susie: “I haven’t thought of that part yet.”


Danny kept saying he wanted “banana apple pie.”  It took me a while to figure out he wanted a piece of pineapple!


Becky was sitting in her usual spot in the car beside Jimmy, who had kicked her for the thousandth time.  She sighed and said, “I’m tired of Jimmy.  He’s yucky.”

Jimmy just laughed uncontrollably and took it as a compliment.


I was talking to Jimmy in the car about how much I loved the classical music we were listening to on the radio.  Jimmy suddenly exclaimed, “There’s doorbells in it!” 

I shook my head and started listing the instruments I heard: “There’s a violin…oh and there’s a harp…”

Jimmy: “…and doorbells?”


The kids were being loud and wild, so I told them all to “pipe down.”  They quieted and then Becky smirked and said, “What do you do if you are stuck in a pipe?…Pipe down!” 

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