
As I was shutting the bedroom door for the night, Jimmy randomly called out, “If the planet earth breaks in half, we will break in half?”


Danny overheard me referencing a “magazine” while talking to someone, and he asked, “What are magazines?”  I briefly explained, then Danny concluded, “Magazines will not bite you. They are not animals or snakes.”


Jimmy: “We have a big family.”

Danny: “We have a big daddy.”


After the power suddenly went out during Bible Reading at church one night, Jimmy softly asked me, “Did this place run out of batteries?”


We were listening to an American Girl audio book where a nanny character was scolding a child.  Danny exclaimed, “I hear hate!”


One morning, Danny happily called to me from his crib: “Mommy, come here!  There’s a bad guy in my plane!”


Danny, after he clipped a hair claw onto the top of my head, announced: “You look like a present.”


Jimmy, during a prayer he said before lunch, “Dear God, please bring Daddy home safely and make Danny not crazy.”


After the kids finished their first big-kid go-karting course, Becky was beaming and said, “I won!  I won!”

Susie was equally euphoric and said, “I can’t believe I didn’t crash!”

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