
Jimmy to me, when I was keeping him company on a trip to the potty: “Can you stop talking? I like it to be calm and peaceful and quiet in bathrooms.”


Danny was playing with a Spider Man toy, and he told me that Spider Man was shooting a bad guy with a gun – only, he pronounced gun as “dun” since he has a hard time with the “g” sound. 

Me: “Say g-g-gun”

Danny pointed to the superhero, whose whole face was covered with a mask: “He can’t say ‘d-d-dun’ – He has no mouth.”


Jimmy told a very dramatic story to his dad, and then his dad skeptically asked: “Jimmy, is this true?”

Jimmy nodded his head earnestly and avowed, “It’s NON-fiction!!”


Jimmy: “Can I have an axe?”

Me: “No.”

Jimmy: “Well, can I have something LIKE an axe?”


I was talking with a friend about Jimmy’s sleep schedule and I said: "No, he doesn’t usually take naps.  He’s getting too old."

Jimmy overheard and interjected: "I’m not old!!  I don’t have white hair!"


Jimmy to Danny, pointing toward the bottle of steak sauce on the table: “Do you want A1?”

Danny: “No, I want A2.”

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