
I couldn’t find Jimmy for about 10 minutes on Friday.  I frantically asked the girls to search the house again while I ran outside to keep calling his name.  I finally found him behind the shed, trying to saw down trees or something like that.  He’s always supposed to ask me first before going outside, but he didn’t this time.  Anyway, when I dragged him back in, the girls met us at the door and said, "Jimmy!  You scared us!  We looked everywhere for you – even inside all the toilets!"


Danny: “On a scale of 1-10, how awesome am I??”


Danny, trying on his new shirt: “I hope I can wear this shirt for ever and ever, all the way to heaven so God can see this awesome shirt.”


Jim, leading the children’s meeting at church: “Does anybody have a Bible with them?”

Jimmy loudly announced: “Yes, there’s one beside me, but it’s useless because I can’t read.”


(This one’s not quite a quote but it cracks me up all the same…) 

When I asked Jimmy to pack his backpack for an airplane flight, I expected him to include some paper, crayons and toys.  Instead, he packed only the following items: Two large WWII textbooks, a safe, and a crossbow.


Becky: “When I imagine what the Garden of Eden would have been like, I imagine it was always beautiful with sunny skies.”

Susie: “I imagine it with roller coasters.”

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