Ladies and Gentlemen

Our guests this weekend were a family with four teenage boys, plus an additional five teenage boys.  So between my in-laws’ house and our house, there was enough testosterone to outweigh the meager estrogen output (I don’t think my girls’ estrogen levels count for much yet).  I was exhausted just watching the boys consume large quantities of food.  And contemplating the unending loads of laundry their mom, Kim, must do.  But we had a fantastic time with them all – especially Jim, who was in his diesel-powered glory.  But now he must return to the world of headbands, dolls, and, yes, frilly dresses.


(Rebecca is mimicking her dad’s gagging at all the frilliness).


But who couldn’t help but love a frilly bum?


So while we were thrilled to have boat-riding, food-gorging teenage boys around for a change, our friend Kim was thankful for a little girl time.  Although I’m afraid that my girls nearly rival the boys’ ability to generate smelly piles of laundry!


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