Picnic and Fair

A few weeks ago, we headed over to a Sunday School picnic and the kids had a blast, as usual!  They heard a great message, made awesome crafts and loved hanging out with their favorite people.

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And as if that wasn’t a busy enough Saturday for us, we drove from there to a town fair!  I LOVE fairs!

Jim made a beeline for the hammocks:

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And the kids saw their first tractor pull:


The girls asked to take these little chicks home with us (we said no!):IMG_9217

One of my favorite displays were these rooms that were entirely decorated in 1950’s decor.  I spied a few things I remember seeing at my grandma’s house and in my mom’s old pictures!IMG_9222 IMG_9223

And once again Jim proved me wrong when it comes to carnival games.  I said they’re rigged, Jim said it’s too fun to pass up…and then BOTH of our boys won prizes!  IMG_9225 IMG_9228 IMG_9232

What a great day!

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