A Snow Day Best Enjoyed Inside

A few weeks ago, we experienced a particularly bad snowstorm, resulting in bitterly cold temperatures and a lot of blowing snow.  This is what I could see (or not see) from my kitchen window:

Of course, the kids decided it was the perfect weather for playing outside!  I made sure they were even more bundled up than usual:

But after only five minutes outside, Danny came in to ask me to somehow make him warmer – he already had icicles on his eyebrows!!  He lasted about another five minutes outside after this before he called it quits.

Susie was the next one in – I’m not sure if she stuck her head in the snow, or if this much snow blew in her hair!   

The other kids soon followed, along with our next-door neighbor who had joined the kids outside in their arctic adventures.  They had a great time staying in, drinking hot cocoa, and playing board games.

We came up with our very own family Lego competition as well.  In each round, I gave the kids their own bowl of Lego bricks, a theme and a time limit, and set them loose.  They were very creative!

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