Share and Share Alike

Now, I’m probably being premature in declaring this, but I just had to report that the girls hit a bit of a social milestone today: they shared with each other.  They were both sitting on my lap this afternoon (that’s amazing in and of itself, since Becky usually can’t stand sharing my lap with her sister, or even sharing the same time zone if I’m in it), and Becky reached for the toy that Susie was holding.  I moved Becky’s hand away and told her that she should ask her sister if she could “please” have it, instead of just taking it.  I expected this to be one of the umpteen-millionth times a day that I say things that are too advanced for their age, in the hopes that one day one of those hard-working brain synapses will fire up and make the connection.  Well, today, Becky’s brain lit up and she made the sign for please (that is, she clapped – it’s the only piece of sign language she knows, and it actually bears no resemblance to the true sign, but I’m giving her a little leeway here).  She held out her hands, and lo and behold, another miracle occurred: Susie released her death grip on the toy and put it into Becky’s expectant palms.  You have to understand that this was about as likely as Susie reciting Shakespeare in Greek.  Once Susie latches onto a plaything, you need a crowbar to pry it out.  And then you’d need earplugs to protect yourself from the inevitable screeching that would ensue.  But today, not only did Becky ask politely for the toy, Susie politely gave it up.  Simply incredible. 

I suppose, in the interest of full disclosure, I should add that the instant the toy was in Becky’s hands, Susie had second thoughts and decided she wanted it back.  So she took it.  And then, of course, Becky wanted it back.  So she took it.  But they managed to pass the toy back and forth several times before anybody decided that sharing is much more fun when you’re solely on the receiving end.  So the whole encounter did end with a whining, toy-wrenching fiasco…but it took us longer to get there than usual. 

And that, my friends, is what I call progress.


(I failed to get a picture documenting the girls’ first – and hopefully not only – sharing episode, but I found this picture taken by my mom last week and thought it was a good representation of the girls’ sisterly-bonding time.  They really do like each other, even if they drive each other bonkers.  I think they intuitively understand that that’s what sisters are for – to love you and steal from you and then love you some more!). 

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