Dress Up

We’ve been privileged to have nightly Gospel meetings at our church these past two weeks.  I was uncertain how the girls would handle being out every night, but they’ve simply enjoyed dressing up, staying up late and eating Cheerios by the fistful.  I think they’re going to be disappointed once the meetings end and they have to once again spend the evening in their pajamas with their boring old parents.  Maybe I’ll have to throw in a few Cheerios to sweeten the deal.

Here are a couple of pictures of the girls in their dresses and fancy shoes before we left for the meeting tonight.  They pranced around the house like they were preparing for a fashion show.  I guess my constant picture-snapping only reinforced their vanity!    



1 comment to Dress Up

  • Linda

    Simply Adorable! Glad that the girls like to dress up and look pretty. Just wait until I get to take them shopping with me. What fun we will have!!!

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