The Bonuses of Bedrest

Sometimes it’s easy for me to dwell on the aspects of pregnancy that I’m missing during my hospital stay, such as the excitement of decorating and organizing the nursery. However, I was thinking today that there are less-pleasant parts of the pregnancy experience that I’m actually being spared due to my hospitalization. For example, I’m currently the master of my own thermostat – I can keep the room as cool as I like, in order to compensate for my own increased body heat (Jim is very understanding, and just dresses more warmly in anticipation of a visit to my room. I think he’s thrilled we’re not paying for the air conditioning!). I don’t have to endure the frustration of trying to find flattering maternity swimwear, or sneak mid-afternoon naps in at work to combat my rising fatigue levels. I don’t have to put up with strangers coming up to me in public places and asking to touch my belly (I can’t imagine doing that, but my pregnant friends have assured me it happens!). I don’t have to create meals that meet our nutritional requirements, as well as my craving requirements. I don’t have to adjust to being so big that it’s difficult to share a bed, or worrying about going into labor far from a hospital. I don’t have to lug my expanding belly up and down the stairs in our house, and I don’t have to devise an ingenious way to spend time on the boat with Jim and convince him to drop me off at the shore for frequent bathroom breaks!

I truly have so much to be grateful for. I’m just trying to continually remind myself of all these positives, especially as my patience wears as thin as these hospital bedsheets!

1 comment to The Bonuses of Bedrest

  • Brittny

    Hang in there…there will come a time where you ever wondered how calm, quiet and peaceful could ever get boring!!! (however, I can’t fathom how you’ve done this thus far!!!!!! You’re amazing!) ~Brittny~

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