Music Appreciation

The girls have recently developed an intense love of music.  I’ll hear clapping in the backseat when we’re driving in the car, which is a not-too-patient request for a specific CD of children’s songs.  I believe that I’ll soon have to submit this CD to the CIA for use as an interrogation device, as repeated exposure to its contents has been known to reduce grown adults (namely, me) to blubbering blobs who are willing to do anything to make it stop (well, anything except listen to two toddlers whine on a long road trip, which is another form of torture altogether). 

Yesterday morning, I heard clapping near our portable music player and found Susie looking expectantly at me with her hands clasped in a petitioning posture.  I gamely turned on the music player and watched as the girls wriggled and swayed to the songs. 


This is the same music player that, not too long ago, was a source of fascination to the girls not because of its music, but because it simply was.  They were entranced by everything about it.



Can you believe that those pictures were taken only last December?  Little Susie was so…little!  And now, although the girls still love that music player, they require a more advanced level of entertainment.  They are hands-on learners, wanting to inspect every last inch of their subject. 


Susie (on right): “What does this button here do?”


Becky (on left): “Ta-da!!  We have created MUSIC!”


Becky (on left): “Please, please no pictures.  This is serious business.”


Susie (on right): “Here, Mom – you can take my picture.”

I think the girls may want to keep their day jobs as music player inspectors and not get their hearts set on careers as dancers.  They lack a certain agility and coordination, I’m afraid.  Becky’s backward moonwalk especially needs some work, as you can see. 


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