Inherited Humor

My mom and I have been having an ongoing debate over which child is more like me and which is like Jim, in terms of looks as well as personality.  Well, Mom, as of tonight, it’s crystal clear to me both girls are following in Jim’s footsteps in at least one important arena: their sense of humor.  I fed the girls black beans for dinner tonight and, as I expected, the “musical fruit” did its thing.  But I didn’t expect them to think it was so hilarious!  Becky and Susie kept bending over and erupting in giggles when they noisily “erupted” from their backsides.  All I could do was roll my eyes.  I’ve tried to teach them to be ladylike, but apparently Jim’s DNA is quite strong!

So strong, in fact, that they decided to dress like him today too.  Although they put a decidedly feminine touch on their wardrobe – they draped Jim’s dress shirts around them like shawls and admired each other as they pranced. 


Becky (on right): “Sister, those stripes are just your style!”

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