Brave New World

I am a wimp.  I do not like to be scared.  I do not enjoy horror movies, death-defying roller coasters, or any kind of sudden surprises.  I even hated hide-and-go-seek as a child, because I couldn’t stand waiting for someone to come around a corner at any moment and scream “Gotchya!” 

But I’m glad it doesn’t look like our daughters are going to take after my cowardliness.  They love fast rides in their daddy’s ATV, getting thrown into the air, and they especially relish being the target of a sudden and unexpected “Boo!”.  They shriek with startled delight and always come back for more.  I hope this bravery serves them well in life.  At least they’ll have more fun at Six Flags than I ever did! 

Here’s a video of the girls getting their wits scared out of them by their dad.  There’s a point in the video where I tried to take a picture of Becky, so you’ll see the video momentarily paused while I snapped the shot.  She was moving too fast, but here’s the image:


Looks like she’s enjoying the roller coaster of life! 


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