Sickly Susie

It’s been a long day.  Susie woke up from her nap at church this morning with a fever, runny nose and slight difficulty breathing and she’s just been out of sorts today.  She still felt well enough to play and walk around and, of course, flash her mega-watt smile, but even her smile wasn’t quite as bright as it usually is.  She just preferred just to sit in my lap and watch her sister run circles around us.  She sat quietly in my arms for longer today than she ever has, which was unsettling from a health perspective, but it was a treat for me to cuddle my baby girl.  We’ve been in touch with the pediatrician’s office, and they’re thankfully not concerned with her symptoms at this point.  Please pray that she quickly returns to full health and that no one else gets sick.

Here’s a picture of a healthy Susie from earlier this month.  I just love the look on her face.  It’s like she’s saying to me: “And what exactly do you find picture-worthy about me reading a magazine?”

Please pray she’s back to her old tricks in no time!


1 comment to Sickly Susie

  • Angie

    Oohoho, that face is too precious. How can she still look so adorable when I know she isn’t feeling well! I’m glad you were there to give her comfort, reassurance and healing mommy love, that’s what always makes me feel better when I’m sick. I will send my love and prayers her way! Get better Susie!!!

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