Tazie is Two

(I’m a few weeks late with birthday posts – oops!)

Tazie is now two!  She’s spent two years in our arms and in our hearts.  We’ve had two years of being amazed at the strength, intelligence and beauty of this miracle girl.  Every day, she makes us smile.  I mean, who couldn’t smile around her?

At her two-year check-up, she scored in the 75th percentile for height and weight.  Her current schedule: She wakes up around 8:15, then we play outside or in the playroom, then run errands together and are home for lunch around 11:30, then play and read until naptime from 1-4, then she follows the big kids around until dinner at 5:30 and then follows them around some more until it’s bedtime at 8pm.  She eats really well, and loves fruit, yogurt and cheese.  She’ll eat a bite or two of pretty much anything you put on her plate (with enough encouragement!).  She has a fantastic sense of humor and loves to make others laugh.  She loves to be outside, especially riding on the tractor or lawn mower or ATV with Daddy.  She is a gifted copycat, and can mimic anything she hears or sees – which means her vocabulary is astonishing!  She’s already speaking in 5 or 6 word sentences and can always communicate exactly what she wants from everyone (we call her the queen bee around here!).  She tells stories, especially about animals.  She loves all dogs and cats and makes the most adorable “Awwww” sound anytime she sees one.  She cleans up her messes well, and loves to help vacuum, bring in groceries or do other chores.  Even though she’s experimenting with saying “No” in a joking voice when I tell her to help me with something, she usually switches to a sweet “Yes, Mom” very quickly, and pitches right in.  She loves to be read to, and can sit for long books as long as I bear-hug her on my lap the whole time.  She likes to watch “Go, Diego, Go,” “Puppy Dog Pals” and “Mickey’s Clubhouse” on TV, which helps when I need her to be still for a few minutes (like when I’m doing her hair after the bath!).  Otherwise, she is in CONSTANT motion!  She knows her ABCs, can count 1-10, and can sing the entirety of several songs, including “Jesus Loves Me.”  She wants music playing all day and she loves singing silly songs with me.  Her relationship with the big kids is one of mutual adoration – she just can’t get enough of them, or they of her.  It’s the best thing ever to see them play together!

I can’t wait to see how she grows in the coming year – I know there will be plenty more smiles for everyone! 🙂

1 comment to Tazie is Two

  • Linda Cole

    What an adorable photo !!! I don’t know who is more Blessed…your family, or Tazie ! We feel so fortunate to be included in this incredible journey of love !

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