Friends and Family

My father arrived at our house this afternoon after his very own version of “Planes, Trains and Automobiles.”  The poor guy experienced more travel snafus than any one person should have to endure, culminating in being stranded at a train station in New York in 15 degree temperatures with no coat and hazy prospects for finding transportation North.  Thankfully, he finally made it safe and sound to CT, and even though he missed the business meeting he had flown out early to attend, we’re very happy to have him here.  Lord willing, my mom and sister will arrive tomorrow, and I pray that their travel experiences are less eventful than my dad’s. 

We had some friends over tonight for a little get-together, and as usual, the girls provided the entertainment.  No games are necessary when there are two little people bustling about!  Although, the girls themselves do require entertainment, as you can see from the photo below picturing Susie holding a cell phone.  Apparently a houseful of visitors wasn’t enough of a distraction; we had to add a little technology in there.  I’ll blame that on her dad’s genes – I think he’d take his laptop to every social engagement if he could! 


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