Prayer Request

I don’t quite have the energy for a full post tonight, since Susie has been feverish and not herself today.  She’s not sleeping well right now, so I anticipate a rough night ahead and I think I’ll head to bed early to rest while I can.  Please pray that she feels better tomorrow, and that Becky stays healthy.   

2 comments to Prayer Request

  • Dear Heavenly Healer,
    Please watch over Susie and help her little body heal. Give her rest and peace. Please help Becky’s body fight anything that Susie’s body wants to share with her. Please be with Emily as she tries to be the best mommy she can be…give her strength and energy to take care of her sick babies and for her to also stay healthy. Thank you for these amazing gifts, little Becky and Susie! We lift them up to you and put them in your care!

  • Brittny, thank you so much for your thoughtful prayers!

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