Happy and Healthy…For Now

All is well in Susie-land.  She slept all night and kept everything down today, so I’m praying this was just a brief virus that has run its course and run away…far, far away.  I’m not convinced that Becky is in the clear, since she hasn’t eaten much the past few days and her appetite is normally as dependable as Old Faithful.  Hmm…maybe I shouldn’t use that simile, since I’m trying to forget images that involve periodic spewing. 

On a brighter note, I love watching the girls become more and more grown-up in the ways they interact with each other and me.  The last few days, Becky has started to nod her head to indicate “yes” and Susie has started to shake her head to indicate “no.”  I could probably extrapolate some personality characteristics from those developments, but I’ll refrain for now.  They’re getting better at following instructions; I can ask Susie to pick something off the floor and put it in her little toy trash can, and she will oblige, although not without a detour if something else catches her eye.  Becky is thrilled to put away toys and books when I inform her it’s clean-up time, and today she even voluntarily pulled down a dish towel to mop up a puddle she made when she dropped her cup.  I proudly applauded this behavior, as it’s one I definitely want to reinforce.  

I’m working with them to try to learn how to sort and stack blocks and shapes, but right now, they prefer just to move them around.  They like to line them up:


and knock them down (the blur in the picture below is Becky’s hand moments before she swept those unsuspecting shapes into oblivion):


and put them inside purses:


and then walk around with the purses (note the necessity of wearing TWO purses at a time):


Tonight, Becky had her own unique take on the purse walk.  While wearing a backpack and eating a cracker, she filled two baskets with various and sundry items, and then used them as purses to complete her look.  I suppose the “look” she was going for was a hiker/hungry grocery shopper.  I think she pulls it off quite well! 


These girls definitely have minds of their own!

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