Park Hopping

Rain is forecasted through the weekend, so I made sure to take full advantage of our mid-fifty degree temperatures the past few days.  Yesterday and today, the girls and I went to two different parks, and I can say with confidence that the girls are official adrenaline junkies.  No sedentary park bench-sitting for these two.  Once they tasted the thrill of the swings and the whir of the nausea-inducing spinning thing (are they called merry-go-rounds?), nothing else could compare.  Although they also spent a good amount of time running around like newly-freed prison inmates, intently weaving their way around the play structures and stomping the bark under their feet.  They were spring fever personified.  I have yet to inform them that the weather will temporarily halt our park-hopping spree.  I just hope they don’t give me cabin fever this weekend! 

I unfortunately forgot my camera, so I was unable to document their outdoor glee.  So instead, here’s a picture of what they’ll be doing the next few days while we’re stuck indoors: pretending to find my flashcards interesting.  There’s only so much fun to be derived from the alphabet! 


2 comments to Park Hopping

  • So they take after their daddy! That can’t be all bad! We just need to keep them off all vehicles that go over 1mph until they’re at least 20! Then they can truely let loose! Not sure Jim would allow them to go that long before they’re on some fast object, but here’s hoping! Hope the weather didn’t damper your spirits too much!

  • Yeah, I don’t think Jim will be on board with any speed restrictions. I imagine he’ll be buying them their own dirt bikes before most kids are riding tricycles!

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