Pass it On

When my mom visited several weeks ago, she brought a VHS with home videos that she and my father took of me when I was two years old.  It was surreal to view myself at roughly the same age as my girls, especially since I had a similar build and hairstyle (i.e. barely bald).  When I first watched it with my mom, we didn’t see any facial resemblance between the girls and I, although we searched intently for a familiar trait.  However, tonight I put the video on while the girls were with me, and being able to look from the TV screen to their faces made it easier to spot a few similarities.  My in-laws, who were watching with us, and I agreed that Becky looks a bit like I did.  We both had tall foreheads and narrow faces, and we laughed and walked the same.  And Becky, Susie and I all shared the same delighted, adoring gaze when we looked at our dads!

So I’m relieved to finally be able to say, after almost 19 months of hearing “Do those girls ever look like their dad!” and “That’s Jim all over!” and “Those are her daddy’s eyes for sure!”, that my DNA snuck in there as well.  My genes may not be as prominent as Jim’s, especially when you consider their love of motor vehicles, but I’ll take what I can get!    


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