Horsey Ride

The girls are starting to enjoy roughhousing with each other.  I’m not sure whether I welcome this pastime, since it almost always results in one or both girls in tears (actually, usually only one girl – the other one scoots off to another activity once the waterworks start).  But I guess it’s good that they’re enjoying more interactive play with each other, rather than just side-by-side play.  Here’s a video of Susie playing “horsey” with her sister.  Some of you may have already seen the YouTube clip – I’ve had it up there a while, but neglected to put it here on the blog until now.  The original video is quite a bit longer, and it does indeed end with someone getting bumped and bruised, but I thought I’d edit it down so you just see the part where they’re both having a fun time.  I can’t get enough of those giggles!


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