Home Alone

I’ve nearly survived my first day home alone with the girls. My mom flew back to CA this morning, leaving me a bit bewildered but determined not to despair! The day has actually gone beautifully. The girls have eaten well, slept fairly well, and given me loads of opportunities to gush over their unbelievable cuteness. This was really the first day that I’ve felt like a real-live mom. Before, with my mom here and offering much-needed assistance, I guess I felt more like a daughter who happened to have daughters of her own. But although it’s nerve-wracking not to have my mom an arms-length away, it’s satisfying to be able to handle situations myself. Thankfully, no “situations” arose today that exceeded my capabilities. Of course, I still displayed my mothering naïveté in several ways. I managed to nearly flood a counter top with water when I turned on the tap and then promptly forgot about the running water while I was responding to what I considered to be an urgent “help-me-NOW!” cry (thankfully, everyone was fine). I later ran at break-neck speed into the living room where the girls were sleeping when I heard an unidentifiable thud in their vicinity (again, thankfully, everyone was fine). This mothering gig is already giving me gray hairs, along with a messier home and severely diminished personal hygiene habits!

I just wanted to publicly express how thankful I am that my mom was able to come out and spend three weeks with Jim and I, navigating the NICU world for us, teaching us the intricacies of pre-term infant care, helping with cleaning, cooking and organizing, and just loving the babies as only a grandmother can. Mom, I miss you already!

2 comments to Home Alone

  • Aunt Angie

    Aww! Isn’t she just the best?! I’m SO glad that you survived your first MoM by yourself day! How exciting to be alone and play house for real! oooo Em I can’t wait to talk to you again! I LOVE YOU!

  • Sarah

    Never fear! A little more help is on the way! Can’t wait to see you tomorrow and hold those lovely girls and help in any way possible.
    love you,

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