Hand in Hand

Yesterday afternoon, the girls spotted their dresses in a laundry pile on the floor, and eagerly requested my assistance in putting them on.  I slipped them over their heads, and the girls instantly started prancing around like princesses awaiting an invitation to the ball.  I grabbed my camera and asked them to hold hands for a picture.  They forgot about the picture part, but they were very much amused by the holding hands part. 


They walked all over the house, hand in hand, grinning from ear to ear.  You’d have thought I had told them they had just won a lifetime supply of ice cream.  




After their giggly romp, I rewarded their sisterly behavior with a bowl of cheerios and raisins at the table.  When I brought over the camera to capture this “big girl” moment, they put on their cheesiest grins.


Even though I know this post is already quite picture-heavy, I have to include a couple more photos of Susie’s cheesy grin.  It just cracks me up.  I don’t think she can see at all when she does this.



I guess I’m encouraging them to keep up these goofy looks by my cackling laughter every time they cheese for the camera.  Oh well.  It may not make for candid shots, but it makes for a happy mama!   

1 comment to Hand in Hand

  • Elmo is one lucky man to have 2 beautiful princesses! I’m sure all the toys and stuffed animals are jealous! Those pictures are precious! Even though there may be some minor toy disagreements, your girls love each other very much and hopefully this relationship will last forever! However, we do need to work on Miss Susie’s smile! That is just too much!!!!!!! Even at 21 months (Happy Month Birthday Susie) she has an amazing sense of humor!!!!! 🙂

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