Moving On


We’re moving.

It’s been in the works for a long time, but it hasn’t been official until now.  We closed on the house yesterday, and now I find myself with the daunting task of finishing the packing process with two curious toddlers underfoot.  I’ve actually been boxing up belongings for several weeks.  I expected the girls to be more unsettled by watching me slowly disassemble our home, but their only reaction thus far has been delight at having so many boxes to climb in and upon. 

I’m experiencing a multitude of emotions as our moving day approaches.  We’re moving to a house about a half an hour away from our current one, which brings us closer to church and closer to Jim’s work – both very exciting developments.  I’m also thrilled that I’ll be able to have a dedicated play area for the girls, as well as a large, relatively flat yard with a (safely fenced) pool for them to enjoy.  But it makes me so sad to think about not being next door to my in-laws, and leaving the only home these girls have ever known.  Jim and I built this house when we were married in 2004, and I can vividly remember walking around the unfinished rooms, envisioning our lives within these walls.  I have so many wonderful memories here, and so it is with a few tears that I am packing up our belongings and setting out on this new family adventure.  But I am thankful that the girls are young enough that they are simply excited about the changes.  When we visited the new house this past weekend, they joyfully ran circles around the empty rooms, giddy that they had such a large new place to explore.  And I know that once the emotional and physical upheaval of moving is over, I will join them in their excitement.  I may even run around in giddy circles! 

1 comment to Moving On

  • Although we have yet to bring a child to our home, I hear you 100% in the walking through the unfinished rooms envisioning what little feet may do to the room! It is a thought I will continue to hold on to as you now envision new memories in new rooms! Hang in there…moving is tough. You are all in our thoughts and prayers! Keep us posted!

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