Two Scoops

Okay, pop quiz, blog readers: Where would you find Becky and Susie on a beautiful, warm Friday night?

Answer: At the ice cream shop, of course!

(Here they are with Jim’s mom on the ubiquitous pink bench outside the shop that seems to appear in so many of our photos.)


And we even had reason to celebrate with copious amounts of ice cream, because the girls passed their two-year check-up with flying colors.  The doctor was especially pleased with the improvement in their verbal skills since their last visit (Becky now speaks in 3-4 word sentences and has an extensive vocabulary that exceeds what I can count, and Susie speaks in 2 word sentences and has an age-appropriate 50-100 word vocabulary).  The girls’ physical measurements have jumped along with their vocabulary.  Susie now weighs in at 23 lbs 2 oz, and is 33-1/4” in height, and Becky is 26 lbs 7 oz and 34-1/2” in height.  That puts Susie at the 10th percentile for weight and 50th for height, and Becky at 50th for weight and 75th for height. 

Hooray for growing girls – and hooray for the ice cream that most likely caused their healthy growth! 🙂


2 comments to Two Scoops

  • Well clearly icecream is the answer to everything, but how crazy it is to think about how little the girls were just 2 short years ago!!!!!! They have sure made up for lost time in your tummy! WOW, God is good! Congrats girls on the great charts!

  • Linda

    What great news! There is no greater blessing than healthy children. The girl’s high achievements also gives testimony to Mom & Dad’s wonderful nurturing and parenting skills. Good job!!

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