Party Time

My mother-in-law threw a wonderful baby shower for us yesterday. It was such a treat to be able to celebrate Rebecca and Susanna with so many friends. This shower had been scheduled to take place quite a few months back, but got postponed when the girls decided they wanted to be present to open their presents!

Multiple people at the shower exclaimed how tiny the girls are, which is such a crazy idea to Jim and I. The girls seem humongous in our eyes! We can’t believe how much sturdier they feel, compared to just a few weeks ago. They have very strong neck muscles, and like to pick their heads up and take in the scenery with wide-eyed stares. Yet I suspect they’re a long way from leaving the bobble-head stage of life, as they are still unable to return their heads to the original positions without letting gravity do the bulk of the work (that is, they often end up smashing their poor little foreheads!).

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