"Stare" Gazing

Have you seen those Tide-to-Go commercials where someone sports a “talking” stain on their shirt (You can check out the YouTube version here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vgtfC5LBAW4)? I feel like I’m constantly checking myself for such mesmerizing stains – not only because my shoulders now function as full-time burp cloths, but because the girls often appear captivated by something unseen to my adult eye. They will so intensely fix their gaze on my forehead, for example, or on my shirtsleeve, that they are unable to pay attention to anything else. I try desperately to get them to make eye contact, but they would much rather memorize the contours of my right ear. Perhaps they will grow up to be brilliant artists, gifted with the ability to render the human form in precise detail due to their early years of study. Or maybe they’ll be Ear, Nose and Throat specialists. Or maybe they’ll just be lousy at eye contact. But I can now certainly understand the tendency to stare, because I am happiest when I am gazing at my daughters and appreciating every inch of their perfect little bodies. So whether the girls are staring into my eyes or at my eyebrows, as long as they’re letting me stare back, I’m a happy camper!

1 comment to "Stare" Gazing

  • Anonymous


    Your girls are beautiful. When I need a bright spot in my day I click on your website and look at pictures. What sweeties.

    Deanna Sinift

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