Seeing Green

Please excuse my absence from the blog this weekend; we just got back from a road trip visiting friends and family in Pennsylvania.  I’m not quite coherent after sitting in the car for eight hours, but I’m still happy to say that this was the smoothest road trip we’ve had since the girls were born.  And it wasn’t thanks to well-packed snacks, or threats, or timely stops for milkshakes, or endless bags of new toys (we’ve tried all those in the past with only minimal success). 

No, the ease of this trip can be attributed to one thing, and one thing only:


Shrek, the DVD, played in a nearly endless loop.  There’s just something about green ogres and bathroom humor that mesmerize the girls into slack-jawed silence. 

I think I’ll stumble into bed now, since I can barely keep my eyes open.  Hopefully I don’t have too many talking donkeys in my dreams.  But even if I do, I guess those are better than screaming toddlers!          

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