Time Flies

I sadly dropped my parents off at the airport today and returned home to a house that felt (for once) far too quiet.  I loved having my parents here experiencing our lives, sharing in the everyday moments of our girls that I sometimes take for granted.  Tonight, feeling sentimental, I was browsing old pictures and I was struck by how fast time flies.  Has it really been over two years since I introduced my parents to their first grandchildren?  Wasn’t it yesterday that the girls fell asleep in their arms?  Didn’t we just watch them crawling across the floor to their Grammie and Grampa?  Didn’t my parents just hold their hands to help them learn to walk?  Now the girls come running whenever my parents enter a room.  Now the first words out of the girls’ mouths in the morning are: “I wanna go see Grammie and Grampa.”  Now they are bringing my mom books to read to them, and helping my father with his woodworking projects.  I’m so grateful for every visit, every smile, every hug that my girls have shared with my parents.  And, Lord willing, I look forward to many more to come.               






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