The Patient

Yesterday, the girls played doctor; today, it was my turn.  And I have to say, I think they’re better at it than me!  I accidentally tore part of Susie’s big toenail off when I hit it with the corner of a door this afternoon, and boy oh boy, Susie let me know how much it hurt.  I felt terrible that she was in pain, and even worse that it had happened by my hand.  I bandaged up her toe and gave her all the TLC I could muster, but she was unwilling to walk for hours.  She went from this silly, happy kiddo:


to a sullen, morose patient whose only comfort was watching TV with her feet elevated:



By the time she went to bed, she didn’t seem to be in too much pain, but she did make sure to tell her Daddy all the gory details, including who was responsible for her injury.  Ouch!  

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