Time to Shop

I have got to start budgeting more time for grocery shopping than I used to in my pre-twin days. I don’t need much more time to deal with fussy kids or to maneuver the double-stroller or even to hulk the car seats in and out of the car. The extra time is necessary to accommodate the onlookers and well-wishers we encounter in the store! Don’t get me wrong – I truly appreciate the compliments and smiles we receive. It’s just that when I’m trying to time my shopping excursions between feedings, and because I have to allow for significant travel time as we live quite a ways from the nearest supermarket, I am crunched for time in the actual store. Today, I brought Jim’s grandmother with me so she could push the stroller while I zoomed between the aisles with the shopping cart. Susanna was wide awake and attracting all sorts of affectionate exclamations from passersby. However, her happy alert phase was short-lived and soon she was starting to fuss. Unfortunately, Nana kept stopping the stroller to allow curious onlookers a glimpse of the girls, and Susanna interpreted the cessation of motion as an invitation to howl. It’s not easy to select the appropriate cut of pork while listening to my child squeal like a stuck pig! I’m thankful that she ended up falling asleep and we were able to exit the store with our purchases as well as our sanity!

Here are a few pictures of the girls on our new play mat:

Susanna making faces at the lion

Susanna channeling Superman

Rebecca enjoys the play mat

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