The Magic of Cookies

Last weekend, we had the privilege of going over to our friend’s place for dinner.  We had a wonderful time, thanks to our host’s generous hospitality and the company of dear friends.  What made the get-together even more special were the cookies that our friend Beth made for the girls as a special treat:


The reason I got so excited about these cookies was the fact that they brought back oodles of holiday memories for me.  My mom used to make my sister and I sugar cookies this time of year, using the same adorable cookie cutter.  Just looking at these cookies made me long for the days when my sister and I were curled up on the couch with my parents, reading holiday books together, gazing at the lit Christmas tree in the darkness of our living room, or just enjoying each other’s company.  I can’t wait to create such warm, wonderful memories for my girls during this holiday season.  I don’t think I’m quite brave enough to attempt feats of baking, but I think I can manage a couch cuddle or two in front of the Christmas tree.  That is, if I ever manage to find the Christmas decorations in the basement!

And even if the girls are too young this year to form many lasting memories, I can rest assured that they will still thoroughly enjoy whatever festivities or traditions we do have, just as they thoroughly enjoyed those holiday cookies! 


2 comments to The Magic of Cookies

  • Angela

    Your impeccable descriptions of our holiday times brought back a flood of memories us all together. Your girls are making such fantastic memories to build on. I am so blessed (and ecstatic!) to be able to watch and participate in their bright futures 🙂

  • Linda

    I only gave you and Angie gifts that my mom gave me….that’s what families are for, and we are very blessed.
    Love, Grammie

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