Bon Appetit!

In my attempts to entertain the girls on these cold wintry days, I’ve had to come up with activities that they enjoy, and that don’t drive me bonkers (there is a limit to how many times I can read a book – any book – about barnyard animals).  Today, I decided to let the girls help me make a casserole for our dinner.  The logistics of involving them in food prep have become vastly easier as their comprehension and obedience levels have increased, as well as their coordination.  We also recently purchased stools for our kitchen island, which puts the girls at counter height and saves me the trouble from having to constantly bend down to the floor let them stir or pour anything.  So with these advances, and their eager willingness, we set about our culinary adventure! 

I had planned to take more interim pictures to document the event, but soon realized that if I was going to prevent the girls from eating half of every ingredient involved, I was going to have to make this process snappy. 

So here is Susie stirring our egg mixture…


…and then helping herself to some cheese while Becky had her turn…


…and then making sure Becky knew when her turn was up. 


The casserole turned out well, despite a little less cheese than the recipe called for, thanks to the girls’ assistance.  And the only added ingredient was a sneeze that Susie added to the egg mixture before I could stop her.  Oh well.  Sorry, Jim! (Thankfully, he will have already eaten his portion by the time he reads this!).  Bon appetit!     

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