Playing School

Perhaps because our kids are still remote schooling, they frequently seize the opportunity to “play school”:

Here’s Tazie eagerly awaiting her “school” session led by her big sister:

And now here’s Tazie acting as the gym teacher:

She’s quite the task master!

Early Morning Smiles


We were reading a Bible story tonight about fishing with nets, and Jimmy, ever the sportsman, asked for clarification about how one fishes with nets.

I explained it to the best of my (very limited) knowledge, and Danny thought about it for a moment and stated, “I think nets would work best on blind fish.”

Jimmy’s Gear

This kid may chafe at being forced to wear a protective mask, but he’s all about protective sportswear!

Snow Days

I finally got smart!  We’ve had quite a few snowy days these past few weeks, and instead of following the kids outside and freezing along with them, I’m sending my phone out instead and letting them snap the pictures!  Works out for everyone. 😉

Summer has grown to love the snow!

I took this pic of the neighborhood kids joining in:

Here’s Danny after snowmobiling in the yard:

Summer wishes she could go out every time!

Superbowl Sunday

Our family may not be huge fans of the Chiefs or Buccaneers (well, Jimmy is now a Bucs fan since Tom Brady joined), but we are fans of football and food, so we had a fun Superbowl Sunday dinner!  Bubba and Pappy even stayed for the whole game!

All our football paraphernalia is either Steelers or Patriots gear.  Here are the kids sporting their gear for Jersey Day!

Becky and her favorite Steelers fan:

Notice the thumbs-down on the far right…

It’s our lone anti-Steelers fan! 🙂

Tazie trying to break up a football dogpile:

While not being sure about this literal dogpile!

Good Taste

Tonight, Jim took the big kids skiing and I took Tazie to the ski slope for just an hour to get a few runs in before bringing her home early.  On the way, we went through a Sonic drive-through for dinner.  I ordered Tazie her requested drink and food, and then I impulsively decided to order myself an ice cream for dinner.  When Tazie saw my M&M Sonic Blast come into the car, she squealed and said, “Mom, is that for you??  Bravo, Mom!  Bravo!”

Zoom Friends

Tazie made sure her Lego “friends” were ready for their zoom meeting!

Enthusiastic Audience


You know trouble is afoot when your four-year-old proudly announces from the other room:

“I can touch the ceiling!”


(Sorry, no pictures to document her climbing abilities – I was too busy rushing to remove her from her ceiling-scraping perch!)