Family Time








Here’s a video of her entertaining the girls with peek-a-boo.  I’m not sure who’s laughing more, Grammie or her girls!

They’re Here!

I’m so happy my parents are here for a visit!  My mom already got some cuddles in:


My dad was taking a nap when I took the above picture, but that didn’t stop him from bonding with Susanna.  She heard him snoring softly on the couch, and she looked over at him and growled.  He was speaking her language! 

A Girl After My Own Heart

Rebecca agrees with me…


…there’s nothing better than reading a good book in the sunshine.

Exercise in Humility

I really need to exercise.

Not like bending-down-and-picking-up-kids type of exercise, but real exercise.

Why, you ask?  Because the other night, my dear husband showed me up.  Big time.

Saturday afternoon, some of our wonderful friends visited us from Pennsylvania.  We were all over at my in-laws, playing with their newly-purchased Nintendo Wii.  Jim declared that he was a hula-hooping champion on Wii Fit.  I snorted dismissively, but Jim insisted.  He got up and we all laughed as my husband vigorously whirled his hips in the hula-hooping simulation.  He was sweating and panting when he finished the three-minute game, with a victorious “4-star Calorie Roaster” rating.  I figured that it must not be all that difficult, since Jim’s only exercise regime consists of lifting Rebecca and Susanna onto his shoulders for rides around the house. 

I volunteered to be the next contestant and vowed to all present that I would show them how it was properly done.  I stood on the Wii Fit balance board, trying to summon my childhood hula-hooping experience.  I started swinging my hips and arms in a circle, quickly realizing that my endurance and flexibility were not what they used to be.  I whirled and twirled and willed myself to beat Jim.  I watched in horror as the time clock spun down while my score remained stubbornly low.  I moved faster and more erratically, urging my flailing body to last just a few more moments.  Alas, I couldn’t even finish the game.  I stepped off the board with three seconds to go and collapsed in a heap on the floor.  My score was half of Jim’s.  And for all of you who know Jim, you can guess that he was not slow in proudly and vociferously proclaiming his victory. 

To make the memory of my loss even more poignant, I am still very sore.  My abdominal and back muscles feel like they were pummeled with a mallet.  I am clearly out of shape, if a Nintendo game is confining me to bed with a heating pad.  I suppose I should have taken into account that I have done virtually no demanding physical exercise in almost a year and a half.  I was too sick in the beginning of the pregnancy to think about running anywhere other than the bathroom, then I was on bedrest and considered trips around the hospital room to be long-distance sprints, then I was recovering from bedrest and found it difficult to haul myself up and down the stairs to respond to the girls’ newborn cries, and then I was too exhausted by the end of the day to think about getting up from the couch, and then…I got lazy.  I really have no excuse now. 

I need to get into shape so I can keep up with the girls as their crawling evolves into more rapid forms of transportation (although Susie gets pretty close to a leaping-crawl at times, where she gets going so fast I’m surprised she doesn’t get tangled in her hands and legs).  But more importantly, I need to redeem myself at our next family Nintendo Wii tournament.  I can’t let Jim hula-whip me again. 

Even if he does melt my heart when he plays with the girls. 




I’ll let him win the Best Daddy in the World contest anytime. 

Tie a Yellow Ribbon


Susanna (on right): “I love Sunday mornings.”

Rebecca (on left): “I think I have something in my teeth.”


Susanna: “I love wearing a dress.”

Rebecca: “Ooh…another foot to grab.”


Susanna: “I love smiling.”

Rebecca: “If you don’t quit acting so happy, Mom will never stop taking pictures!”


Rebecca (on left): “See?  Act casual…look away and pretend you’re not paying attention to Mom.”

Susanna: “Am I doing it right?” 

One Year Ago

One year ago, on May 16, 2008, my life changed.

I was told that my girls were trying to come into this world at 24 weeks gestation.  I was told that they may not survive, and if they did, they would most likely have severe, lifelong disabilities.

But I was also told that it was unbelievable that I was getting a routine ultrasound at the exact time I started to go into active labor.  I was told that it was fortunate that I happened to be at the only hospital within hours of our home that could handle 24-week babies.

I didn’t have to be told that God was in control.  I didn’t have to be told that His Will was perfect, and that He would sustain Jim and I no matter what happened.

God blessed us with a miracle that day.  He enabled the doctors to stop my labor from progressing any further.  He gave Jim the strength to stand by my bedside and support me through my haze of medication, bewilderment and fear.  He gave me the patience to wait, and the will to trust.

And now, one year later, on May 16, 2009, my miracles:


Last May 16th, I never could have imagined this May 16th.  Then, I didn’t know if I would have empty arms.  Now, my hands and heart are full.  Rebecca Faith and Susanna Joy are living reminders of the Lord’s grace and mercy.  On June 12, 2008, I wrote this on the blog: “…I am honored to thank the Lord for…His continued kindness toward us. Not only did He offer us eternal salvation through the death and resurrection of his beloved Son, He has provided for the ongoing health of our dear daughters. The Lord would be just as good and just as kind if He had chosen a different course of action, perhaps one that would not have been as pleasing to us, but we are humbled by His gracious decision to allow our pregnancy to continue just a little bit longer.” 

I continue to be humbled by His abundant blessings.  He not only allowed our pregnancy to continue long past May 16th, He gave us healthy, beautiful daughters who are now nearly 10 months old.  “Thanks be unto God for his indescribable gift!” (2 Corinthians 9:15). 

Kitchen Confidential


Susanna: “I am in awe of my mom’s mopping prowess.  I can (and will) eat off this floor!”



Rebecca: “Can you believe how clean my mom got this Tupperware?  I can practically see my reflection!”

My Little Turkeys

I’ve been trying to incorporate more finger foods into the girls’ diet.  As the following picture illustrates, they’re definitely fans of sliced turkey:



Since I’ve been on such a video kick lately, I’ve included footage of their lunchtime silliness for your viewing pleasure:

I’m thinking that I need to spice up their diet a bit, since Rebecca is turning to alternate food sources, such as:



…and remote controls. 


Only the TiVo-savvy would probably notice what our dear daughter ingested off of the above-pictured remote.  There is supposed to be a clear silicone bubble encasing the TiVo button at the top of the remote.  Here is a picture of a duplicate, undisturbed TiVo button:


See how it’s missing the raised bubble in the next picture? 


Rebecca must have figured that raised bubble was rather tasty, because I found it after she had thoroughly -and internally – enjoyed it.  Needless to say, I will not be attempting to put the bubble back in its place, given the journey it recently made.  Rebecca has “digested” enough TV to last her a long while!   

Music to my Ears

Usually, when the girls wake up from their evening nap, they are Cranky with a capital C.  I don’t know what it is about that nap.  They almost always awake in a pleasant mood from their morning and afternoon naps, but come evening, they sleep beautifully for 45 minutes, and then wake up miserable.  I wouldn’t mind if they skipped that nap all together, but by 4:30 or 5:00, they’re yawning and rubbing their little eyes, so I know they need to rest.

Anyway, I use the 45 minute evening respite to prepare dinner, and always brace myself for the inevitable wailing that accompanies their awakening.  However, this evening after their nap, I heard a noise I couldn’t identify.  I tip-toed upstairs to their nursery and listened at their door.  I was so shocked I ran downstairs and got the camera to document this occurrence.  Look closely to find the girls in the following video – Rebecca is on the left and you can see the top of her head over the blue toy strapped to her crib.  Susanna is on the right and is peeking out through the crib slats (please excuse my shoddy camera work – I was holding the camera around the edge of the door for most of the video so the girls wouldn’t see me):

I could hardly believe they were laughing at each other!  Rebecca must have thought it was hilarious to see Susanna’s little face peering out at her from the opposite crib.  I sure hope that this is their new evening ritual.  Wouldn’t it be great to wake up every day and see your best friend smiling at you?  Actually, I feel blessed to be able to say that’s my experience already (of course, Jim isn’t smiling at me when I wake up – we usually exchange a groggy, bleary grimace as we realize it’s morning and we have to get out of bed…but I can say I wake up beside my best friend!). 

Oh, and isn’t the tree on the nursery wall beautiful?  I had seen a similar tree in a Pottery Barn catalogue last summer and had idly mentioned to my Dad that it would be great if he could replicate the pattern for the nursery, since he’s a talented artist.  Well, he didn’t let me down.  When he was visiting last year, he cut each leaf and branch painstakingly out of contact paper and then affixed them perfectly to create the tree silhouette.  Dad, you’re the best!

Easily Amused

Who needs Sesame Street when you have Spin Cycle?
