Music to my Ears

Usually, when the girls wake up from their evening nap, they are Cranky with a capital C.  I don’t know what it is about that nap.  They almost always awake in a pleasant mood from their morning and afternoon naps, but come evening, they sleep beautifully for 45 minutes, and then wake up miserable.  I wouldn’t mind if they skipped that nap all together, but by 4:30 or 5:00, they’re yawning and rubbing their little eyes, so I know they need to rest.

Anyway, I use the 45 minute evening respite to prepare dinner, and always brace myself for the inevitable wailing that accompanies their awakening.  However, this evening after their nap, I heard a noise I couldn’t identify.  I tip-toed upstairs to their nursery and listened at their door.  I was so shocked I ran downstairs and got the camera to document this occurrence.  Look closely to find the girls in the following video – Rebecca is on the left and you can see the top of her head over the blue toy strapped to her crib.  Susanna is on the right and is peeking out through the crib slats (please excuse my shoddy camera work – I was holding the camera around the edge of the door for most of the video so the girls wouldn’t see me):

I could hardly believe they were laughing at each other!  Rebecca must have thought it was hilarious to see Susanna’s little face peering out at her from the opposite crib.  I sure hope that this is their new evening ritual.  Wouldn’t it be great to wake up every day and see your best friend smiling at you?  Actually, I feel blessed to be able to say that’s my experience already (of course, Jim isn’t smiling at me when I wake up – we usually exchange a groggy, bleary grimace as we realize it’s morning and we have to get out of bed…but I can say I wake up beside my best friend!). 

Oh, and isn’t the tree on the nursery wall beautiful?  I had seen a similar tree in a Pottery Barn catalogue last summer and had idly mentioned to my Dad that it would be great if he could replicate the pattern for the nursery, since he’s a talented artist.  Well, he didn’t let me down.  When he was visiting last year, he cut each leaf and branch painstakingly out of contact paper and then affixed them perfectly to create the tree silhouette.  Dad, you’re the best!

3 comments to Music to my Ears

  • Anonymous

    Forget about going to a really cool concert, that must have been nothing but ultimate music to your ears! We’ll keep our fingers cressed that laughter is the sound you continue to hear before dinner!
    🙂 Brittny

  • heartfulhome

    How cute- their laughter is infectious! And I love the tree on the wall, your Dad did a great job.

  • Gracie

    Hi Emily,

    I finally ound your blog through someone else’s! Rebecca and Susanna are too cute for words!! I’ve just read through a million (ok, not quite :} ) posts and have so enjoyed catching up on all I’ve missed with what’s being going on in your hectic life!

    Thank you so much for taking time out to email me. I appreciate that even more when I see how busy your life is!

    Music to my ears too when I hear your little girls, they are so utterly precious and have such an infectious mile (and laugh!).

    Love to you all,

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