My Little Turkeys

I’ve been trying to incorporate more finger foods into the girls’ diet.  As the following picture illustrates, they’re definitely fans of sliced turkey:



Since I’ve been on such a video kick lately, I’ve included footage of their lunchtime silliness for your viewing pleasure:

I’m thinking that I need to spice up their diet a bit, since Rebecca is turning to alternate food sources, such as:



…and remote controls. 


Only the TiVo-savvy would probably notice what our dear daughter ingested off of the above-pictured remote.  There is supposed to be a clear silicone bubble encasing the TiVo button at the top of the remote.  Here is a picture of a duplicate, undisturbed TiVo button:


See how it’s missing the raised bubble in the next picture? 


Rebecca must have figured that raised bubble was rather tasty, because I found it after she had thoroughly -and internally – enjoyed it.  Needless to say, I will not be attempting to put the bubble back in its place, given the journey it recently made.  Rebecca has “digested” enough TV to last her a long while!   

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