Just Sew

Domesticity is not my strong suit.  And I have no one to blame but myself.

I recently spent a half an hour trying to mend a 2-inch ripped seam on a pair of pants, and although I think the seam will now hold, it’s not a pretty sight.  And it took a seam ripper, two different colors of thread, and countless needle re-threadings to accomplish that not-so-pretty sight.


I should have paid better attention to my mom growing up.  She offered again and again to teach me to needlepoint, machine sew, hand sew, cross-stitch, quilt, craft, do ANYTHING involving a needle and thread.  But I either declined, or only gave it a half-hearted effort that trailed off as soon as I could convince myself that there was a pressing need to tend to my homework.  I must have figured that my mom would always be there to hem my pants and attach my buttons.  And she is always willing – as long as the task can wait the 2-3 months until her next visit out to Connecticut (and yes, I have pondered mailing pants to her, but I haven’t gotten that desperate yet). 

I hope I can be patient with my girls when they show a similar disregard for their domestic future.  Come to think of it, I wonder what skills I can fail to pass on to my girls.  The fine art of “cleaning” by shoving all papers into a corner?  My ability to “fold” a fitted sheet so that it looks like a crumpled ball of tissue paper?  I know – my gift of baking cakes so that they’re good and burnt on the outside and runny on the inside (I still don’t know how I manage that).  Oh well.  At least I hope they learn some humility. 

1 comment to Just Sew

  • Linda

    Emily, your girls will develop interests that they are passionate about. Clearly, sewing wasn’t your interest.
    Playing piano, writing, poetry, drawing, making the ordinary fun, your organizational abilities with a large house and three small children, not to mention your strong faith are just a few of the wonderful gifts you possess, and go into making you the amazing woman that you are. Who knows, by the time the twins grow up, there may not even be a need to mend anymore.
    Love who you are.

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