Big Time at the Big Top

What do you get when you combine a tent, big animals, and gravity-defying humans?  A really good time!  My mother-in-law and I took the kids to the circus and we absolutely loved it.  I expected a rather rinky-dink affair, but this place had everything I could have hoped for and more.  The acrobatics were amazing, and I still can’t believe they had two dirt bikes whizzing around inside a giant metal globe.  And they shot a guy clear across the tent from a canon!  Can you tell I was very impressed? 

As for the kids, well, they were quite in awe of the whole set-up.  Becky literally jumped up and down with glee after every “trick,” and Susie kept looking up at me and grinning.  As for Jimmy, it took a whole lot of buttered popcorn to keep him quiet, but he was mesmerized every time a motorized vehicle entered the big top.  Of course, the biggest thrills of the night for the kids were the pony ride and the flashing glow toys (I never thought it would be so much fun to be the type of mom who got their kids overpriced plastic souvenirs!  Count me among the gullible and happy!).






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