My Lil’ Guys

So now that the girls are in school, it’s just the boys and me at home every day.  I have to say that I’m still really missing the high-pitched girly voices echoing all over the house, but I’m trying to focus on the positives of having this one-on-two time with my boys.  Today, I took the boys out for a stroll on the road near our house, and it was positively relaxing to only have to worry about one squirrely kid running into traffic, as opposed to three!

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Jimmy’s doing fine without his sisters so far.  He does follow me around the house, repeatedly asking “Mommy pway wif me (play with me)?” and he’s beyond excited when we go to the bus stop to pick up his sisters..  But Danny still takes a morning nap, so that means I have an hour or so every morning where I can focus on Jimmy.  It’s a pretty novel concept to only have one child nearby – in fact, it’s never before happened to me on a regular basis!    So Jimmy and I are living it up, reading lots of books without getting distracted (well, as non-distracted as possible with a squirmy 2 year old), and doing chores together (the kid LOVES to wield a squirt bottle).  We’ve also made sure to get outside and enjoy the lovely end-of-summer weather we’ve been having.  What better way to celebrate the last few weeks of warmth than by getting coated in ooey-gooey mud?!

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