Fair Daze

We took the girls to their first fair tonight.  I think Jim and I may have been more excited than they were.


I was especially excited about this:


I was hoping the girls would seize the opportunity to perfect their animal sounds in the petting zoo…


…but they were more impressed by the Bloomin’ Onion concession stand (Like mother, like daughters, I guess!).


Jim wanted to make sure the girls got up close and personal with his exhibits of choice, such as the antique tractor display:


(Dad, if you’re reading this, I know what quote just popped into your head: “Tractors is sooo dumb!”)

And the tractor-pull:


And the stand selling ATVs.  He even found one just for the girls:


Maybe next year the girls will display a little more enthusiasm for the fair.  I can only imagine it won’t be long before we’ll be bombarded with not-so-subtle requests for cotton candy, stomach-churning rides, and nearly-impossible-to-win stuffed animals.  I guess we ought to savor their laid-back complacence while it lasts! 

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