If the Shoe Fits

I don’t like shoes.  I don’t like wearing them, buying them, even window-shopping for them.  I couldn’t say whether my distaste for footwear stems from the fact that I have large, unwieldy feet that manage to make even “cute” shoes look like flippers, or because I had a scarring early-childhood shoe shopping experience (although I think it’s more likely that my mom was the one who was scarred in those outings.  I was not a very enthusiastic shopper).

So, to recap, I don’t like shoes, nor am I particularly fond of feet…

…which makes it difficult for me to explain why my heart goes pitter-patter every time I look at these:


and these:


and these:


I actually haven’t had to purchase any toddler shoes yet, as we have been the fortunate recipients of the girls’ cousin Katelyn’s footwear.  I’m thankful that her mom, Julie, has such good taste, so I can rest assured that my girls’ lower extremities are fashionably shod. 

I’ll let you know if my current favorable reaction sours once I have to start hunting for the shoes myself.  I hope that the girls prove to be more compliant shoppers than I was.  Otherwise, we may all be going barefoot!

1 comment to If the Shoe Fits

  • Thanks for stopping by my blog today! Your little girls are so cute! 🙂 I can totally understand your hatred of shoe shopping, having been cursed with large flat wide feet like a duck’s, and I can also understand your new-found love of cute shoes, having just had a little girl myself! 🙂

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