The Couch Menagerie

This picture is the culmination of my inability to think of anything creative to do on a rainy day (OK, so it didn’t rain until the evening, but I just didn’t feel like going outside when it was so dreary-looking).  I had already read with the girls, sang with them, danced with them, ate with them, and so out of desperation, I got out all of their stuffed animals and told them to line them up on the couch.  Obeying pointless directions always seems to make them happy, so off they went.  Then they asked to sit up on the couch with their animals, and since I can’t resist any photo that involves both girls doing something cute, I ran and grabbed the camera to take this picture.  It may not be an exciting life here at our house, but we manage to smile all the same!   


1 comment to The Couch Menagerie

  • Linda

    Hey, smiling is better than crying! Hope all you critters are having a good weekend.

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