Quick as a Cricket

For Easter, my mom sent us a book that had been a favorite of mine as a young child, Quick as a Cricket by Audrey Wood.  It was a huge hit with the girls.  Not only do they enjoy the beautiful illustrations, but they love it when I act out the words.  For example, I roar vigorously at the line, “I’m as loud as a lion,” and drop my voice to a whisper for “I’m as quiet as a clam.”  Jim read it to the girls for the first time the other night, and he didn’t disappoint them with his theatrics.  For the record, his roar is much louder than mine!   


2 comments to Quick as a Cricket

  • Love this! Some of my favorite pictures of my girls are my candids of my husband and the munchkins. Your girls look so intense. Must be a great book! I can’t wait until I can get mine to sit still long enough to read a book. Right now, books still go in the mouth. Your girls get cuter and cuter with every picture you post!

  • Thanks, Janet! It seems like it took the girls FOREVER to get to the stage where I could read them an entire book. Even now, they still like to turn the pages ahead of where I’m reading. So it’s definitely a process. But I’m hopeful that all our efforts are creating avid readers!

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