To Grandmother’s House We Go

These girls certainly don’t need any lessons in grandparent manipulation! Jim’s parents watched the girls this evening for a few hours while Jim and I went out to dinner with my aunt and cousin who are visiting from out of state, and the girls have my in-laws thoroughly convinced that they are incapable of any condition other than that of perfect contentment. The girls barely fussed at all for the several hours they stayed at their grandparents’ home. Of course, within minutes of their return to our house, Rebecca decided it was time to uncork. But she managed to hold it in until my aunt and cousin left, so her angelic facade remains intact. I don’t think anyone will believe me when I tell them tomorrow that Rebecca’s shrieking reached a high note that nearly left me deaf in one ear! But I’ll forgive the girls’ nocturnal fussiness, because they were so good for their relatives. My aunt and cousin held them for an hour, and the girls did nothing but make darling faces and allow everyone to play with their little hands and feet in the midst of their deep sleep. They did their parents proud. I’d rather have them be perfect for their extended family, and little monsters for me, than the other way around…although someone may have to remind me of this preference when I’m bleary-eyed at 3 a.m.!

On another proud note, the girls had a weight check at the pediatrician today, and Rebecca has broken the five pound mark! She’s now 5 lbs 4 oz, and Susanna is closing the gap at 4 lbs 13 oz. Our little preemies are growing up!

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