Happy Birthday, Becky

To my two-year-old Rebecca,

I love your appetite for life – for books (the larger the better), for outdoor exploration, for puppy dogs, for waffles and bananas and Fig Newtons, for big kids, for boating and hiking, for holding my hand, for making your sister laugh, for listening to music.  You are my little narrator, telling me everything you’re thinking and everything I’m doing.  You test my patience with your strong will, but I admire your strength and determination and independence.  Every day, I am more and more impressed with your intelligence (you absorb new words like a sponge), your sensitivity (you become very distressed when your sister is upset, soberly informing me “Sue cry.  Sue cry”), and your cleanliness (you love nothing more than making sure that everything is in its place, including the rocks in the yard).

Happy Birthday to my little punkin.  I’m so blessed to have you in my life.




6 comments to Happy Birthday, Becky

  • Linda

    Dear Emily & Jim,
    Thank you for having Becky. She is such a light in this world.

  • Julie

    Happy Birthday Becky and by now it’s Susie’s birthday too- so happy bday to both!! Enjoy. Love julie

  • Janet

    Happy Birthday Becky! Love that smile!

  • Craig

    Dear Becky: Congratulations on being “2.” I am thrilled that you are my Granddaughter. I enjoy hearing your giggles on the phone and look forward to talking with you in a few weeks.
    Happy Birthday

  • Happy Birthday Susie, I hope you had a wonderful day. It has been so much fun watching you grow up! Enjoy your special day!

  • Maria

    I love that you blog so eloquently about your life with your beautiful daughters and your husband. You truly have a heart of gold, Emily, and the two sweetest daughters in the world are made what they are, and what you noted so sweetly here by their constant contact with and instruction from you. Keep up the great work, my friend.

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