Happy Birthday, Susie

To my two-year-old Susanna,

I love how your little body holds such a big personality.  You are a social butterfly, a charmer, with your impish grin and twinkling eyes.  You are a child of few words, but many songs; I love to hear your sing-songy babbling as you climb the stairs or lay in bed.  Your soft yellow blanket (you call it your “B”) is your constant companion when you’re in your crib or the car, and you can sit quietly and contentedly for hours, holding your “B” and sucking your thumb.  You love to draw (and I’m usually your subject of choice).  You have a strong desire to pick out your own clothes and you love to change your outfit multiple times per day.  You adore wearing hats, especially when they’re pulled down over your eyes.  You are never happier than when you’re messy – covered in dirt or sand or especially cake. You test my nerves with your clinginess at times when you’re tired, but I love how much you love being near me.   I can never get over how light your petite frame is, and how wonderful it feels to have your little body tucked under my chin for a snuggle.

Happy Birthday to my little peanut.  I’m so blessed to have you in my life.




3 comments to Happy Birthday, Susie

  • Linda

    Susanna, you have brought such Joy into this world, and into our lives. Enjoy being two.

  • Janet

    Happy Birthday Susie! Such an adorable picture!

  • Craig

    Happy Birthday Susie! This is your day to celebrate. No one with which to share to share this special day. Have a great birthday. I can’t wait to see you so you can tell me all about it.


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