Helping Hands

One of my favorite parts of observing the girls’ development is watching their increasing interaction with each other.  Up until recently, I would have said that they don’t really play with each other.  They would play alongside each other (I think the term is “parallel play”), but not with each other.  However, now I am starting to notice one brushing her sister’s hair (despite her protests) or handing her a book to read (once she’s already done with it) or making sure her cup is in the right place (any guesses as to which child insists on having everything in the possession of its rightful owner?). 

This evening as they were enthusiastically enjoying their new water table from Grammie, I caught on video a humorous interaction between the girls.  Becky had discovered that if she pleaded enough, she could convince Susie to come over and help her stand up from a kneeling position.  And of course, it quickly became a game and Becky kneeled down again and again and again, and Susie dutifully helped her up again and again and again.  It’s a good thing Susie was there to offer her assistance, because my patience would have run out after the first or second time.  I suppose there’s some sort of meaningful lesson in there somewhere…your sister will always be there to help you get onto your feet…never weary of doing good to those in need…make sure to wear dark pants in case of grass stains when kneeling…in any case, I’m glad they were there for each other.  And I’m glad I was there with the camera! 



5 comments to Helping Hands

  • Alli

    Oh man Em, I REALLY miss those kids. 🙂

  • OK that was by far one of the most precious posts you have done in a LONG time! Becky has perfected the heart of being overly cute and pathetic with “Sue up, Sue up!” and how kind is Susie to just always come back! Even though she tries to say no “No help ecky” she finally ends the game with attempting to baptize Becky! You have some CUTE kids!!!!

  • Vicki MacDonald

    Em — I actually laughed out loud at Becky. Susie never got frustrated, but I think she was dying to play in that water table toy. It even sounded like she was telling Becky to STAY up at one point. Very, very cute. Happy Birthday to them too.

  • Janna

    Susie certainly has a better heart than me!!! (And infinitely more patience…)
    What a precious video to have for the future… love it! 🙂 🙂

  • Becky Jones

    I have listened to the video over and over they are adorable I love listening to them talk….By the way Happy Birthday to them both…..

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